Cryptocurrency investors often fixate on the particular crypto assets they purchase while they give far less attention to the place where they store their crypto holdings. That nearsighted thinking can prove to be devastating; as where you hold your crypto can be just as important — if not more important — than what crypto you hold. Just like not all banks are the same, not all cryptocurrency exchanges are the same. Entrusting your cryptocurrency holdings to the wrong exchange could result in the complete loss of your holdings and leave you destitute.
Sky Eye Law Firm has spent years fighting for clients harmed by cryptocurrency exchanges. While some cryptocurrency investors cling to crypto as a way to escape traditional financial models and institutions, cryptocurrency exchanges do not operate above or beyond the reach of the law. We have litigated hundreds of cases across the country on behalf of cryptocurrency investors on a variety of subjects to hold cryptocurrency exchanges accountable for their acts and omissions, including cases involving:
- Security and data breaches
- Unauthorized account takeovers
- Inability of accountholders to access their account assets
- Platform breakdowns and outages
- Flash crashes
- Trading glitches
If you hold cryptocurrency assets or money at a cryptocurrency exchange and have been prevented from adequately managing your account holdings or are concerned about activity you deem to be suspicious or unexplainable, please contact us with information about your claim and your investment losses. We have successfully pursued class action, group action, and individual claims against Coinbase, Kraken, Poloniex, Bittrex, Cryptsy, and Gemini — all of the largest cryptocurrency exchanges in the United States. Sky Eye Law Firm is ready to fight for your rights and hold accountable the exchanges that have caused you harm.